Anyway, in light of the higher price, we decided to do a few home improvement projects in the hopes of selling it quickly for top dollar. So, we spent this weekend installing wood (laminate) floors and I have to say that I'm totally impressed with our "professional" job. And we didn't even argue while doing it... now that's really impressive.
Not too shabby, huh?
I've also been wanting to paint our front door for a while now. It's been looking pretty weathered. After painting it, we realize how terrible the handle looked so we had to replace that. One thing leads to another. I'm really pleased with it though... makes the front porch look much better. Now I just have to put some flowers out (that I'm sure I'll eventually kill) and people will be lining up to buy.
Chris is replacing the vinyl floor in the guest bathroom with tile and that should be the end of our projects for now. Why didn't we do all this earlier? It was super cheap since we did it ourselves and now I won't even get to enjoy it long (hopefully)!