Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fingerpaint Frenzy

In an effort to find fun things to do indoors this winter, I bought the kids fingerpaints. Why didn't someone stop me? Seriously. I knew it would be a lot of work and really messy, but I thought the kids would love it so I put my OCDness aside for one afternoon. Well... one of them loved it. Can you guess which one?

Yep, you're right. It wasn't her. She HATED it. I thought she was over her "I don't like to get dirty" phase, but I guess not. She humored me for about 2 seconds and then freaked out about the paint on her hands. So... no pictures of Reese painting. I'll be sure to offer Miss Priss a paintbrush next time.

Tucker loved it of course. After all, he eats dirt, rubs food in his hair, and likes to suck on his big toe. He's all boy and thoroughly enjoys getting dirty.

Yes... he has it on his head, in his hair, all over his mouth, etc., etc., etc.

Here's his masterpiece. Who knows... he could be the next Picasso.

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