Friday, July 29, 2011

1 Month

How has it already been a month since Rylan was born?  Love this girl SO MUCH!!  She's sweet and snuggleeee, easy to calm down when she's upset, and starting to get a little personality. 

 Most people haven't heard her cry much, so I threw this one in to prove that it does happen! 

Reese and Tucker are constantly making us laugh, but this girl might just be the comedian of the family... with all her crazy faces.




A little surprised

Bored and really tired of taking pictures.

And some more sweetness!


  1. I love it! How in the world are you getting these posts done with two 3-year-olds and a newborn?! Please tell me it just takes a little time to get the hang of everything... :)

  2. My favorite is her frustrated face! Sooooo cute! God I pray that Landry is as easy as Rylan. How do you make all your newborns so easy?

  3. Oh LOVE LOVE LOVE her onesie stickers!


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