Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Walmart Attitude Adjustment

We all have those days. Days when we're discouraged, frustrated, and overwhelmed with the responsibilites of life.  I had one of those days not too long ago so I took a trip to Walmart.  I know it sounds weird, but Walmart gives me clarity and perspective.   I guess some of the people in Walmart give me clarity and perspective.  We all joke and pass around the Walmart emails, but every time I go in that place I'm reminded of how blessed I truly am.  Blessed to have the job that requires me to work so hard, blessed to have the car that needs new tires, blessed to have the house that constantly needs to be cleaned, and blessed to have the husband and kids that always seem to need something from me. 

Speaking of blessed... we had Thanksgiving dinner with my family this year.  Talk about blessed...

Sisters, brothers, neices and nephews... all that get along and enjoy being together. 

Parents that love my kids and spoil then (and us) like crazy! It was a great Thanksgiving. I had the whole week off this year and we got to see both sides of the family now that Chris' parents live close. 

Just try it... the next time you're in a funk, go to Walmart for an attitude adjustment. 

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