Sunday, August 23, 2009

Makeshift Playpen

Sunday mornings can be kind of crazy at our house. Chris has to be at church early to practice with the praise band so that leaves me to get the rest of us ready. I usually get up early and get ready before he leaves, but not the day before school starts! I totally slept in this morning. Then I was rushing around like a crazy woman trying to figure out how to get ready with two rug rats running around under my feet. Don't judge me for what I did... because they totally loved it!

They got to play in Mama's tub with their clothes on. I put them in there with some toys and I was free to shower (I could see them through the glass of course), blow dry my hair, put on my makeup, etc. If I would have put them in a pack-n-play or something, they would have screamed to get out... but they were totally happy to play in the tub for an hour.

Now, I don't recommend this if: 1. your kids hate each other as someone could be seriously injured in this confined space, and 2. you don't have a garden/jacuzzi tub because regular tubs aren't deep enough and they could climb (or fall) right out.

We made it to church on time without any tears... and that's a miracle!

1 comment:

  1. I've done that! It totally works! :)



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